Bitter Woman's Lonely Meal 2021

Tsugumi Kawamoto dreamt of becoming a designer but she is not good at socializing and decides to spend her days working part-time at a convenience store. One day, Tsugumi comes across an Instagram account called "Whitehorse" which...

Tutti i titoli
  • JP: Bitter Woman's Lonely Meal Bitter Woman's Lonely Meal
  • JP: Bitter Woman's Lonely Meal Bitter Woman's Lonely Meal
  • JP: ひねくれ女のボッチ飯 ひねくれ女のボッチ飯
  • JP: Hinekure Onna no Botti meshi Hinekure Onna no Botti meshi
Data di rilascio 02 Jul 2021
Link IMDb
